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Each summer we offer week-long intensives complete with challenging classes for our more advanced students. These sessions are taught by our residing faculty and invited guest faculty to teach our students after the “regular” season has ended. Dancers will take classes in various styles including ballet, tap*, jazz, contemporary, and more. 

1. All students must be dressed in proper dance attire. Tights are required for the ballet classes, but they can be replaced for other classes with proper dance shorts or leggings. We suggest all dancers wear something that fits their body. 

2. Students are not allowed to leave the studio for any reason. We do not allow students to purchase lunches from neighboring businesses. Students should bring their lunch with non-perishable items since there will be no refrigerator available for use. We will have space for lunch breaks. No food will be allowed inside the dance studios - only personal water bottles will be allowed. Other drinks must be stored inside dance bags or lunch boxes.

3. All students should leave their games and computer gadgets at home since such items are often misplaced or broken. Dancemakers of Atlanta will not be responsible for replacing broken or lost items. Please include your dancer's name in all of their items, especially shoes.

4. Students should bring all shoes required for their classes according to the schedule.  Dancers should wear the proper shoes for each technique class (i.e. ballet shoes for Ballet, jazz shoes for Jazz, and tennis shoes for Hip Hop).​ This year, Week 1 dancers should bring a yoga mat for their Pilates class. Please ensure your dancer's name is on all of their belongings. 


*Week 1 Only

**Week 2 Only

  • What should we wear to the audition?
    There will be a ballet, jazz, and lyrical* part of the audition. Your dancer should bring a leotard and tights for the ballet portion and if there is time to change, you may bring a jazz outfit. NO BAGGY CLOTHING - we must be able to see your dancer's bodies. ​ *Lyrical is only included in the Mini, Junior, and Teen auditions.
  • What must a company dancer commit to?
    Prior to auditions, dancers must attend the summer intensive prior to their audition. Please see the summer intensive page for more information. ​ A dance company is a team. Company dancers must commit to all classes and rehearsals, both the Holiday Showcase and Year-End Recital, all regional competitions (in which their company participates), and the end-of-season Nationals competition (if the studio is attending Nationals), and any additional performances per request of the Directors. A dancer is allowed up to 3 unexcused absences from company classes and rehearsals. "Excused absences must receive prior approval from the directors; advance notice does not equal excused." ​ More information will be included in the company contract after auditions.
  • What group should my dancer audition for?
    Auditions are separated by age. Our judges will score each dancer and recommend which company suits each dancer best. Saturday, June 22nd (ages 12-18) Ages 12-14 (includes current Junior and Junior Elite companies), 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Ages 15-18 (new auditionees for Teen and Senior companies), 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Saturday, June 29th (ages 6-11) Ages 6-7 (includes current Jumpstart company), 10:00 am - 11:30 am ​ Ages 8-9 (includes current Small Fry company), 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm ​ Ages 10-11 (includes current Mini company), 2:00 - 4:00 pm
  • What are the training requirements for company?
    Incoming dancers must have a minimum of 2 years of ballet for our Jumpstart & Small Fry Companies. Also, 2 years of Jazz, Lyrical, or Contemporary training is required for our Mini - Senior companies.
  • How do returning dancers register for the new season?
    Returning dancers are able to register through their parent portal from Pre-Ballet through Level III Classes. All other classes require in-person registration which can be available via appointment or in-person open registration days.
  • How do we get enrolled?
    Registration for our Fall-Winter session lasts from July 1st through the first day of classes. Select classes may be available for registration upon inquiry. Our Session II Registration begins in late December, generally after the Christmas holidays and lasts until the start of classes in the new year.
  • Will my dancer participate in any performances?
    We host 2 performances each season - our Holiday Showcase and Year-End Recital.
  • Can I register my dancer after the season has started?
    We will accept registration for Session I through October 1st and Session II registration will occur through February 1st.
  • What does my dancer need for the intensive?
    Each day, dancers will begin with a ballet class. Dancers are required to wear a leotard and tights for all ballet classes.
  • What is “Pizza Friday”?
    We will be ordering pizzas for lunch on Friday for our dancers. If you are interested in participating in Pizza Friday lunch, please bring $5 cash or Cash App $dancemakersatlanta by Friday morning to account for your dancer. If you use Cash App, please include your dancer’s first and last name in the adjacent note.
  • How can my dancer audition for the Elite Performing Company?
    Auditions are invitation only for participants of our summer intensives. This week-long intensive also serves as a pre-audition for our potential Elite Performing Company members. Dancers who would like to audition for our company must attend our intensive(s) in order to receive an invitation to audition. Company audition invitations will be sent after mid-week of the intensive following our Directors’ review of classes. If you are interested in joining our Elite Performing Company next season, please select the pre-requisite response during your intensive registration. Learn more about our Elite Performing Company here.
  • Can outside students enroll in your summer intensive?
    Yes - we love to see new faces during our summer intensive. It is a great opportunity to experience all the artists and teachers have to offer. Please inquire via our contact form before registering.
  • How long is the intensive daily?
    Week 1: 9:00 am - 3:30 pm Week 2: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
  • What does my dancer need for the pilates class?
    All dancers will need to bring a yoga mat and a theraband (or similar item) for the class. Optional: It is recommended to also have a small "fascia release ball"/rubber massage ball for the dancers' feet. Various exercises and warmup techniques will be demonstrated during this class for the dancers to incorporate into their regular routines. *Pilates will only be offered during the Week 1 Intensive.*
  • How should we prepare for Horton class?
    Upon special request from Mr. Troy (who will be teaching our Horton technique classes), he has requested all dancers need to have a leotard and footless tights or a one piece (i.e. unitard) for his classes during the intensive. Hair should be away from the face and unrestrictive of any dancer’s movement. Since the leotard and tights are required for ballet, tights worn for ballet (if not already black) can be replaced with black leggings or black footless tights. Black leotards are preferred however any color leotard is allowed. No Shorts or Crop Tops should be worn in this class. Please review our suggested modern class attire items here. Thank you for respecting the teacher's request and adhere respectfully and accordingly. If you have questions, please see the front desk or email us.
  • Will there be a showcase at the end of the week?
    We will host a short, informal showcase at the end of our Week 2 intensive for 1-2 parents to visit. Only limited space is available for the showcase.
  • What are the age or skill requirements for this intensive?
    Minimum 2 years of ballet training is required for our 12+ (Junior-Senior Level) intensive and at least 1 year of ballet is required for our ages 6-11 (Jumpstart-Mini) intensive. Our intensives are mandatory for all current and potential members of our Elite Performing Companies. Dancers should attend the respective intensive according to their age.
  • What are the requirements to audition for our Elite Performing Company?​
    Training wise, incoming dancers must have 2 years of ballet training minimum. For more information about our Elite Performing Company, please check out our Company Info page.
  • Who should I contact if I am interested in joining the faculty at DMA?
Registration opens to the public on March 25th at 12:00 pm.

Intensive registration will close 3-5 days before the intensive. Please register before the deadline to ensure your dancer's spot. If you have any questions, please inquire through our contact form.

  • Summer Intensive 2024: Week Two
    Summer Intensive 2024: Week Two
    Jun 24, 2024, 9:00 AM – Jun 28, 2024, 3:00 PM
    Dancemakers of Atlanta, 1425 Ellsworth Industrial Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30318, USA
    This intensive will last from June 24-28. This intensive is for ages 6-11. Dancers will have classes from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm each day.
  • Summer Intensive 2024: Week One
    Summer Intensive 2024: Week One
    Jun 17, 2024, 9:00 AM – Jun 21, 2024, 3:30 PM
    Dancemakers of Atlanta, 1425 Ellsworth Industrial Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30318, USA
    This intensive will last from June 17-21. This intensive is for ages 12+. Dancers will have classes from 9:00 am - 3:30 pm each day.
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