Elite Performing
The DMA Elite Performing Company is an award-winning competition team which has won numerous awards at both regional and national levels against many of the best studios in North America.
This season, we have 6 different divisions in our company team of about 75 dancers. Our company range in age from 6-18. They train aggressively throughout the season and audition each summer for acceptance and placement.
Our companies* include:
average age 5-8
average age 9-13
average age 7-11
average age 13-16
average age 8-11
average age 16-18**
*Official companies can vary by season.
**Senior Company is reserved for advanced dancers. Dancers attend the Teen Company audition to qualify for Senior.

What all does being in DMA Elite entail?
All company members must attend all rehearsals and performances – unexcused absences will not be tolerated.
All company members must attend all of their regularly scheduled technique classes or these absences will also be included as unexcused absences.
Company dancers must take four techniques – ballet*, tap*, jazz*, modern, lyrical/contemporary, acrobatics and/or hip hop. (*required)
Older company members (Junior-Senior) will be required to take weekly pointé and modern classes.
All company members must be available and committed for the entire competition season including Nationals (June-July).
Attendance and Time Commitment
All company members must attend all rehearsals and performances – unexcused absences will not be tolerated.
All company members must attend all of their regularly scheduled technique classes or these absences will also be included as unexcused absences.
Company dancers must take four techniques – ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, acrobatics, and/or hip hop. Ballet, tap, and jazz are required for all company dancers.
All company members must be available and committed for the entire competition season including Nationals (if applicable).
Financial Commitment
Competition fees average approximately $75 - $275 per routine per competition – Some students are placed in more than one routine. We participate in three competitions that include a workshop. The workshop fee averages $275 per workshop.
Competition costumes average between $175 - $200 per costume – again, some students are placed in more one routine. These fees are over and above the monthly fees paid for tuition. Also, these costumes are in addition to the recital costumes required for all students.
Keep in mind that the competition and costume fees are the minimum fees for our company and are in addition to our regular studio fees (i.e. tuition, performance fees, etc.). All numbers published here are an estimate and other fees may apply!
Performances and Competition/Conventions
Upon your acceptance into the DMA Elite Performing Company, the dancer agrees to be available for all performances and events the Company schedules during the entire season. Company rehearsal and performance schedules are subject to change.
All company students are required to participate in our annual Holiday Show and Spring Recital. Company dancers will perform a ballet, tap, and lyrical/modern/jazz piece in each show. If a student participates in Acrobatics and/or Hip Hop, those pieces may be included in the show, at the directors’ discretion.
Our Elite Company also attends 2-3 competitions/conventions each season, typically beginning in January. The season generally lasts through April/May, depending on the competitions/conventions the studio is attending during the season. Competition schedules are announced at the first company meeting of the season (typically in August).
*The above requirements are excerpts from our required company contract. Upon acceptance into the company, both dancers and parents are required to read and sign the company contract acknowledgment in order to join the company.*