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We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy in their homes these past few months.


In May 2020, we began offering virtual classes for our students in our current conditions. As we proceeded to soft open our studio, we limited studio occupancy for safety consideration. 


This summer, we offered our students opportunities to dance including our summer intensives, and  summer sessions. We opened registration for our 2021-2022 season on July 1, 2021.


We will also be hosting live Zoom information sessions and meetings throughout the season for parent engagement. 


Below we have included our procedures for our summer sessions as we adhere to the State of Georgia and the CDC's guidelines.  We will be limited on registration for all of our in-studio classes. Please reach out via our Contact page and look at our pages on our website regarding registration and meeting inquiries with our directors

Dancer on stage

2021-22 Procedures

Navigate our Procedures

Staff Safety and Protocol


Staff will perform temperature checks, have training on proper protective and safety procedures, facilitate hand washing and hand sanitizer throughout the day, and clean and sanitize equipment between uses.
Employees will enter after screening and will report 5 minutes before classes. if arrival is earlier, they must stay inside of their cars until report time.
dance teacher


Parents are not allowed inside of the studio for pick up or dropoff.

Exception: Only 1 of Pre-Ballet/Tap 3 and Pre-Ballet/Tap 4 will be allowed into the studio during class. Each parent will be directed to a socially distanced seat inside of the studio for the duration of the classes. Parents must be masked and will be subject to temperature checks upon arrival. 
Before entry, the student will be serviced with a hands-free temperature check. No one with fever, cough, other symptoms will be allowed to enter.
If their temperature is healthy and the student does not meet any other COVID-19 symptoms, they will be provided with hand sanitizer and directed to the correct studio for class.  

If a student appears to have a temperature of 100.4ºF or above and/or have symptoms and their parent has already left the studio, the parent will be contacted and the student will be placed in a room in solidarity to await the parent’s arrival for pickup.

In-Studio Procedures

 Encouraging regular handwashing and hygiene
Signage will be posted throughout the studio and will be communicated to students to thoroughly clean bathroom touch spots (including but not limited to toilet, (especially flush handle), handicap bar, bathroom door lock, bathroom door handle, and sink) as well as thoroughly washing hands for at least 20 seconds.  

All dancers will be encouraged to avoid contact with each other. 

Masks Mandatory
All students and faculty will be required to wear a mask upon entering the studio. Everyone will be subject to a temperature check upon entry. Anyone who appears to have a temperature of 100.4ºF or above and/or have symptoms will be asked to return home and to quarantine for a minimum of 14 days. 
Keeping students separated to minimize exposure
All students will be encouraged to maintain a 6 feet apart distance from other students as much as possible. We will also maintain distance between personal belongings as well as cleaning items upon arrival and departure.  

All studios have been reconfigured to maintain social distancing guidelines. Studios 1 &4 have been equipped with 6'x6' boxes to ensure dancers stay socially distant. 
Extensive cleaning and sanitizing of facilities will also take place, and there will be sanitizing stations throughout the building for proper use.
All bathrooms will be cleaned regularly and thoroughly before, during, and after occupancy of students. Only one student will be permitted at a time in the bathroom. The door will be closed to signify occupancy.
No one may enter until the occupant is gone.  
Personal Belongings
This season, our dressing room will be only for limited use. All dancers will bring their belongings into the studio where their class is and will place around the room 6 feet apart to ensure no congregation in our dressing areas. 

No clothing changes!
Dancers must come in their attire for class and are recommended to only bring the following:
Required shoes for class (ballet slippers, tap shoes, jazz shoes, socks)
Currently, We will not allow bare feet inside of the studio for sanitary purposes. All dancers' feet must be covered. Hip-hop classes are welcome to wear tennis shoes for these rooms will be cleaned promptly after classes. 
A closed water bottle (with lid)
Outside clothes and shoes to be placed inside of a dance bag

Keeping personal items to a minimum will help to minimize risk for fellow dancers and teachers.
No food or drinks (except water) will be allowed in the studio. 
In-Studio Procedures

In-Class Procedures

Students are must keep a mask on during class.
Students are only allowed to speak if you have a question for teacher.
Students will stay in their designated box, unless directed by the teacher All students must stay 6ft apart throughout class.
Students can not leave studio unless given permission by teacher.
All students will help sanitizing by using hand sanitizer before entering studio All students will have feet covered when entering dance studio.
All students must be dressed in proper dance attire. Tights are required for the ballet classes, but they can be replaced for other classes with proper dance shorts or leggings if needed. 
Students should bring shoes required for their classes according to the schedule. At this time, we ask no students to wear bare feet in the studio. Dancers are welcome to wear ballet shoes, jazz shoes, or socks as an alternative.
If you have any questions about our dress code, please review all of our dress code requirements and our handbook here.
In-Class Procedures


All students will remain in the classroom when it is time for pickup.  An employee will be at the front to call your student from the classroom to the pickup area.
We will then notify the teacher inside to send the student to get their bags and report promptly outside for pickup. We expect parents to arrive promptly for pickup when then classes are dismissed. Please arrive a minimum of 5-10 minutes earlier than your dancer’s class dismissal.
For our students that provide their own transportation, we will dismiss them 1-2 people at a time to minimize crowding in the lobby. All other procedures will apply to them upon departure each day.
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